Our four-year partner schools from A to Z

Seamlessly transfer from Montco to any of these four-year partner schools

Thanks to Montco's partnership with over 30 four-year institutions, a Montco associate's degree will take care of most, if not all, of required general education courses. Our program-to-program agreements allow Montco graduates to transfer seamlessly to a four-year institution, oftentimes with junior status.

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form*

*Most schools accept our Dual Admissions Intent Form; however, please refer to each institution below for specific details.

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Albright College

Albright College is a private, liberal arts college located in Reading, PA (about 30 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and an hour from the Blue Bell Campus). About 1,700 students attend the traditional college campus and the College offers over 50 programs of undergraduate study. Albright does award a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of somewhere between $5,000-$15,000/year.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2000 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. or A.S. degree
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent prior to 30 earned college credits
  • Application fee is waived
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of foreign language and upper division interdisciplinary requirements
  • Students need to complete 16 courses at Albright to meet the residency requirement to earn a degree
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $5,000 and $15,000/year (for full-time students); for students in the Accelerated Degree Program, students are eligible for a $2,500 Partner scholarship upon the completion of their associate’s degree

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Alvernia University

Alvernia University is a Roman Catholic university located in Reading, PA (about 30 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and an hour from the Blue Bell Campus). About 1,500 students attend the traditional college campus and the University offers over 50 majors and minors to its undergraduate students. 

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2023 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree
  • All MCCC credits from all MCCC programs included in the agreement will fulfill general education, elective, or major requirements
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent prior to 45 earned college credits
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students can transfer up to 75 credits into Alvernia; the rest of the credits must be completed at Alvernia in order to meet the residency requirement to earn the degree
  • Full-time students enrolled in traditional/residential day programs are eligible for the following scholarships: Provost Scholarship $21,000 for PTK members or non-PTK members with final cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher; Bernardine Scholarship $19,000 final cumulative GPA between 3.25 and 3.49; Dean Scholarship $17,000 final cumulative GPA between 3.0 and 3.24; Transfer Scholarship $15,000 final cumulative GPA between 2.5 and 2.99. 
  • Accelerated Bachelor's Degree Programs -  all adult and non-traditional learners will receive discounted tuition in addition to being eligible for the following scholarships: Dual Admissions Scholarship $1000/year; PTK Scholarship $1,000/year; PA Community College Transfer Award - up to $2,000 total for four semesters ($500 each semester) awarded to students with a final cumulative MCCC GPA of at least 2.0 and who enroll in at least half-time continous enrollment. 

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Arcadia University

Arcadia University is a private university located in Glenside, PA (about 45 minutes from Pottstown and 20 minutes from Blue Bell). About 2,400 students are enrolled as undergraduates in over 75 different programs of studies. Arcadia does award a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of at least $1500 per year for any member who has at least a 3.5 GPA.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions and Core-to-Core agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree with a minimum GPA of 2.50. Eligible degrees: Business Administration A.S., Computer Networking A.A.S., Computer Science A.S, Criminal Justice A.S., Education in the Early Years, A.A., Environmental Science A.S., Exercise Science & Wellness A.S., Fine Art, A.F.A., Human Services A.A.S., Information Technology A.S., Liberal Studies A.A., Life Sciences A.S., Management A.A.S., Mass Media A.A., Mathematics A.A., Physical Sciences A.S., Secondary Education A.A., Theatre Arts A.A., Tourism & Hospitality Management, A.A.S.
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of the Global Connections Experience and Reflection as well as the Senior Capstone Course
  • Students can transfer up to 75 credits into Arcadia; the rest of the credits must be completed at Arcadia in order to meet the residency requirement to earn the degree
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before they completed 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $13,000-20,000/year (for full-time students); $2,000/year (for part-time students); students are also eligible for a transfer partner scholarship in the amount of $5000 for students graduating with their associates with a 3.5 GPA or higher.

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Bloomsburg University

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is a comprehensive public university located in Bloomsburg, PA (about 2 hours from our Blue Bell & Pottstown campuses). Approximately 9,000 students are enrolled as undergraduates in over 56 available majors.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an associate's degree in an eligible program (with the exception of education which requires the normal admissions process). Eligible programs include: Business Administration A.S., Computer Science A.S., Criminal Justice A.S., Education in the Early Years A.A., Fine Art A.F.A., Liberal Studies A.A., Mass Media A.A., Psychology A.S., Theatre A.A.
  • At least 30 of the last 45 semester hours credited toward a Bachelor degree must be earned at Bloomsburg. At least 50% of the credits in the major discipline must be earned at Bloomsburg.
  • Students must complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Application fee waived

View the list of eligible majors (PDF)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Chestnut Hill College

Chestnut Hill College is a Roman Catholic college located in the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia (about 45 minutes from Pottstown and 20 minutes from Blue Bell). Approximately 900 students are enrolled in its traditional undergraduate program and students have a choice from among 35 possible majors. New programs that have recently been developed include Global Affairs, Art Studio, Digital Forensics, Computer Systems Management, and Sports Management. Chestnut Hill does award a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of $15,000/year to accepted PTK members.

Highlights from our revised revised core-to-core/general education agreement signed in 2016 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of six credits in religious studies
  • Students must complete 45 credits at Chestnut Hill in order to meet the residency requirement to earn the degree
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $4,000-13,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Cheyney University

Cheyney University of Pennsylvania is a historically black university located in Cheyney, PA (about 50 minutes from Pottstown and 45 minutes from Blue Bell). Approximately 1,500 undergraduate students are enrolled as undergraduates in over 20 available majors.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., AFA, or A.A.S. degree (with the exception of education which requires the normal admissions process)
  • Cheyney will accept up to 90 credits upon transfer; however, 51% of the major courses must be completed at Cheyney to satisfy residency requirements
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $6,000-16,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Delaware Valley University

Delaware Valley University is an independent, interdisciplinary college located in Doylestown, PA (about 1 hour from the Pottstown Campus and 25 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Approximately 1,700 undergraduate students are able to major in one of 25 programs of study.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., or A.S., A.F.A. or A.A.S. degree
  • Students can transfer in up to 78 credits but students must complete at least 48 credits at Delaware Valley College
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate General Education requirements are waived. Students who change their program of study may be required to take appropriate pre-requisite courses either at DelVal or at MCCC
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $15,000-21,000/year (for full-time students) or $3000/year for part-time
  • Full-time students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa will receive a $1,000 PTK scholarship per year or $500/year PTK scholarship for part-time

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

DeSales University

DeSales University is a Roman Catholic university located in Center Valley, PA (about 1 hour from the Pottstown Campus and 45 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Approximately 1,600 undergraduate students are enrolled in over 30 different programs of study.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2013 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.A.S., or A.S. degree; this Agreement does not apply to DSU programs that require a higher GPA (education, nursing, health sciences, and medical studies) or auditions (theatre and dance)
  • To earn a DeSales University degree, students must complete a minimum of 15 three-credit courses at DeSales University, 5 courses in the major at DeSales University, and a total of 40 three-credit courses overall. (Programs including nursing, physician assistant, and education may have additional requirements)
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of Intermediate Theology and Values Seminar
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of their degree
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $5,000-10,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Drexel University

Drexel University is a private research university located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia (about 50 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus and about an hour from the Pottstown Campus). With approximately 25,000 students, Drexel is one of America’s 15 largest private universities. Drexel has over 200 degree programs houses within 15 colleges and schools.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an associate's degree in select programs. Please view the list of approved associate's degree programs
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent prior to 45 earned college credits
  • Application fee is waived
  • To received transfer credit for MCCC courses, students must receive a “C” of higher in each course
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $4,000 and $16,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Eastern University

Eastern University is a Christian university located in St. Davids, Pennsylvania (about 30 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 25 minutes from Blue Bell Campus). The 1200+ traditional undergraduate students are able to choose from over 90 areas of undergraduate study. 

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2011 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S. or an A.A.S. Students who earn an Associate's degree in Criminal Justice or Human Services with a 2.0 final cumulative GPA or higher at MCCC and submit a transfer evaluation form are assured admission to Eastern. Some majors may require a higher final cumulative GPA at MCCC and require more than four semesters at Eastern for completion.
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $13,000-21,000/year (for full-time students) enrolling in a traditional undergraduate degree.
  • To receive transfer credit for MCCC courses, students must receive a "C" or higher in each course

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

East Stroudsburg University

East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania is a public university located in East Stroudsburg, PA (about 90 minutes from the Blue Bell & Pottstown Campuses). The comprehensive university offers 56 undergraduate and 24 graduate degrees and is one of the 14 institutions in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2016 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. or A.S. or an A.A.S. with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • To earn a bachelor’s degree from East Stroudsburg University, students must complete a minimum of 40 three-credit courses at East Stroudsburg University; at least 30 of the last student’s last 45 credits must be completed at East Stroudsburg University

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Gwynedd Mercy University

Gwynedd Mercy University is a liberal arts Catholic university located in Gwynedd Valley, PA (about 50 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 10 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 1,200 undergraduate students can select a program of study from more than 40 programs. Gwynedd Mercy does award a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of $2,000.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions and Core-to-Core agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A.. A.S., or A.A.S. degree
  • All candidates for traditional undergraduate degree programs are required to complete a minimum of 45 credits at Gwynedd Mercy University, and half of their core program requirements at Gwynedd Mercy University
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, except for the requirement of two signature courses and/or religion and philosophy core requirements
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of the associate's degree
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $10,000-17,000/year (for full-time students)
  • 2.0-2.49 GPA:  $10,000

    2.5-2.99 GPA : $11,000

    3.0- 3.49 GPA $13,000

    3.5- 4.0 GPA: $15,000

    PTK scholarship $2,000

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Immaculata University

Immaculata University is a Roman Catholic university located in Immaculata, PA (about 40 minutes from the Pottstown and Blue Bell Campuses). Over 1,100 undergraduate students can select a program of study from more than 50 majors. 

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2013 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree
  • Students can transfer up to 64 credits
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Keystone College

Keystone College is a private comprehensive college located in Northeastern PA (about two hours from the Blue Bell and Pottstown Campuses). Keystone offers more than 40 undergraduate and graduate degree options in liberal arts and science-based programs.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2018 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree with a 2.0 GPA.
  • Students may transfer up to 75 credits to Keystone
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $4,000-$10,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania is a public state university located in Kutztown, PA (about 45 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and an hour from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 9,000 undergraduate students can select a program of study from 70 majors.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., or A.F.A. degree (Exceptions: students interested in the major of computer science need to have a minimum GPA of 2.25, students interested in the majors of psychology or criminal justice need to have a minimum GPA of 2.5, students interested in the major of biology/pre-med need to have a minimum GPA of 2.75, students interested in the College of Education need to have a minimum GPA of 3.0)
  • To earn a KU degree, a student must complete at least 30 of the final 45 credits at KU and 50% of the major/minor courses must be taken at KU
  • Application fee is waived
  • All general education requirements will be applied to KU’s general education requirements; however, some general education courses may still remain based on the student’s program of study
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $500-1,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

LaSalle University

LaSalle University is a Roman Catholic university located in Philadelphia (about 50 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 30 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 3,300 full-time undergraduate students can select a program of study from over 40 majors.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., or an A.A.S. in Human Services degree with a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5; Majors in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences are not part of this Agreement. Eligible A.A. degrees: History, Liberal Studies, Mass Media, Mathematics. Eligible A.S. degrees: Business Administration, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Information Technology, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Psychology, or Public Health.
  • La Salle accepts a maximum of 70 transfer credits
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of religion and philosophy courses (unless completed at MCCC)
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 45 college credits
  • Students are eligible for the following scholarships (for full-time students)
  • Founders Scholarship, based on GPA at time of admission review:
  • 3.30-4.00 = $11,000
  • 2.80-3.29 = $9,000
  • 2.50-2.79 = $4,000
  • Phi-Theta Kappa Scholarship = $1,000
  • Dual Admissions Achievement Scholarship = $1,500

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Lebanon Valley College

Located in Annville, PA, Lebanon Valley College is a private institution with nearly 1600 undergraduate students. The College offers a wide range of majors in areas such as Arts & Humanities, Business & Communications, Education, Health Professions, Math, Science, & Technology, and Social Sciences & Psychology.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2021 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree with a GPA of 2.5
  • Application fee is waived
  • LVC will award academic scholarships to all qualified students based on GPA at time of admission review:
  • 3.75-4.00 = $30,000 - Board of Trustees Scholarship
  • 3.50-3.74 = $27,000 - Presidential Scholarship
  • 3.25-3.49 = $25,000 - Dean's Scholarship
  • 3.00-3.24 = $22,000 - Alfred Tennyson Sumner
  • 2.75-2.99 = $20,000 - Mary A. Weiss Scholarship
  • All Phi Theta Kappa members will receive the Board of Trustees Scholarship

Lehigh University

Lehigh University is among the most selective, highly ranked private research universities in the U.S. It is located in Bethlehem, PA (about one hour from the Pottstown Campus and one hour from the Blue Bell Campus). Close to 5,000 undergraduate students can select a program of study from over 90 majors and interdisciplinary programs spanning three colleges.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2013 include:

  • Eligibility for admission for any MCCC student who has earned a degree with a minimum GPA requirement of 3.50
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible to be nominated to participate in the Community College Scholars Program which allows a student from MCCC to take one course, tuition free, at Lehigh while still enrolled at MCCC

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Neumann University

Neumann University is a is a private Roman Catholic, liberal arts college sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. It is located in Aston, Pennsylvania, within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Over 3,000 undergraduate students can select a program of study from over 20 majors.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2017 include:

  • Graduate from MCCC with either an A.A., A.F.A, A.S., or A.A.S. degree with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 (unless otherwise noted) [a maximum of 90 college-level credits can be accepted in transfer]; Nursing majors must have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5
  • Submit a completed Neumann University Application for Admission to the Neumann University Office of Admissions, ideally once 45 credits have been earned at MCCC, or at least three to six months prior to the start of the semester in which they plan to begin their studies at Neumann
  • Application fee is waived

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Peirce College

Peirce College is a private, not-for-profit college, focused on non-traditional students and is located in Philadelphia (about 50 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 40 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). The College offers bachelor’s degrees in four primary areas (Business, Healthcare, Information Technology, and Paralegal Studies).

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree
  • Peirce College reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to allow students to earn up to 90 credits toward a bachelor’s degree through any combination of transfer credits, credit by examination, work experience, and portfolio assessment
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of the associate's degree
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships in the amount of $3,000/year based on a GPA of 2.5 or higher (for full-time students); students who enroll part-time at Peirce will receive one-half of the full-time awards using the same GPA level.

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Penn State Abington

Penn State Abington is a commonwealth campus of the Pennsylvania State University system located in Abington, PA (about 50 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 30 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 3400 full-time and part-time students attend the campus and 16 bachelor’s degrees can be completed in their entirety at the Abington campus. PSU-Abington does award renewable Phi Theta Kappa scholarships to members who have earned their associate’s degree.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.A.S., or A.F.A. degree
  • For a baccalaureate degree, 36 out of the last 60 credits must be earned from Penn State
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent during any semester they are enrolled at MCCC
  • Students are eligible for the RaiseMe Transfer Scholarship initiative that could provide a maximum of $7000 toward a baccaluarate degree

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Penn State Berks

Penn State Berks is a commonwealth campus of Pennsylvania State University located in Spring Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Highlights from our partnership agreement signed in 2021 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.S. in Business Administration, A.S. in Criminal Justice, A.A.S. in Human Services, or A.S. in Pyschology.
  • Students who have maintained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in 18 or more attempted credits may apply for advanced standing admission. Students who have attempted less than 18 credits will be evaluated as first-year students.
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students are eligible for the RaiseMe Transfer Scholarship initiative that could provide a maximum of $7000 toward a baccaluarate degree

Rosemont College

Rosemont College is a liberal arts Catholic college located in Rosemont, PA (about 30 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 25 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Nearly 500 undergraduate students can select a program of study from 24 different majors on campus. Rosemont does award a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of $3,000 automatically with proof of membership.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2011 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., or A.F.A. degree
  • Rosemont College will accept a maximum of 66 transfer credits from a two-year institute
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 45 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $8,000-15,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Saint Joseph's University

Saint Joseph’s University is a Roman Catholic Jesuit university located in Philadelphia, PA (about 40 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 30 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 4,500 traditional undergraduate students can select a program of study from over 50 undergraduate day majors. SJU does award a renewable Phi Theta Kappa scholarship of $2,000.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2013 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. or A.S. degree in the following programs of study: Business Administration, Computer Science, History, Physical Science, Education in the Early Years, Middle Years Education, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Theatre Arts and has a cumulative GPA of 2.50
  • A maximum of 20 courses may be transferred to Saint Joseph’s University; transfer students are required to complete a minimum of four semesters (20 courses) at Saint Joseph’s University. At least four of these 20 courses must be upper division work in their major
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter prior to the completion of 45 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $6,000-12,000/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Shippensburg University

Shippensburg University is a public state university, and is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) located in Shippensburg, PA (about two hours from the Pottstown Campus and two and a half hours from the Blue Bell Campus).

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2019 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. or A.S. degree
  • Application fee is waived

Complete Shippensburg's Letter of Intent  

Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University, located in Manchester, New Hampshire, is a private institution that offers flexible and affordable degree programs in both face-to-face and online formats. SNHU does not require a letter of intent to be submitted prior to applying.

Highlights from the guaranteed admissions agreement signed in 2020 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree;
  • Transfer up to 90 MCCC credits;
  • 10 percent reduction in tuition 

Strayer University

Strayer University is a private, for-profit higher education institution with a location conveniently located in King of Prussia, PA (about 30 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 20 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Geared towards non-traditional adult students, their six programs are offered both face-to-face and in an online format.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2006 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.G.S., or A.A.S. degree
  • Application fee is waived
  • There is no official letter of intent required; students are simply required to complete the regular application process
  • Students will be able to attend every tenth course taken at Strayer University for zero tuition


Temple University

Temple University is a comprehensive public research university with nine campus locations (including three international campuses). Many MCCC students elect to attend Temple-Ambler (about 45 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 15 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus) or Temple’s Main Campus in North Philadelphia (about 50 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 40 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). There are 25,000 undergraduate students (with 24,000 on Main Campus) who are able to select from 125 different undergraduate majors.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2018 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A. or A.S. degree with a minimum of 2.3 GPA
  • Students must complete 45 college credit hours of the last 60 college credit hours of the degree or program as matriculated students at Temple University
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $1,000-2,000/year (for full-time students); $500 - $1,000/year (part-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Ursinus College

Ursinus College is a prestigious national liberal arts college located in Collegeville, PA (about thirty minutes from the Pottstown Campus and thirty minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 1600 undergraduate students can select a program of study from over 60 different majors on campus.

Highlights from our revised Transfer Articulation agreement signed in 2022 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.A., A.S., A.F.A., or A.A.S degree and who has a cumulative, final GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a transfer admission intent form (recommended before 30 credits)
  • All full-time students admitted under this agreement are eligible for two years (four semesters) of merit-based scholarships with a minimum amount of $30,000/year. Active PTK students will receive an annual $35,000 annual merit award.

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Villanova University

Villanova University, College of Professional Studies is a private, Catholic University located in Radnor Township, PA (about 35 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 30 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). 

Highlights from our revised Guaranteed Admissions agreement signed in 2024 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an associate degree, achieving a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
  • Villanova accepts a maximum of 90 credits 
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of the associate's degree
  • Students with an overall GPA of 3.00-3.49 will receive a 20% tuition reduction, and those with a 3.50-4.00 GPA will receive a 25% tuition reduction for each course taken at Villanova, CPS, for a total of six semesters

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

West Chester University

West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a public state university, and is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) located in West Chester, PA (about 45 minutes from the Pottstown Campus and 40 minutes from the Blue Bell Campus). Over 13,000 undergraduate students can select a program of study from 116 majors.

The revised core-to-core/general education agreement signed in 2023 include:

  • MCCC students must earn an A.A., A.S., A.A.S., or A.F.A. degree 
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived, with the exception of a three-credit Diverse Communities requirement
  • Application fee is waived
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 MCCC college credits

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Additionally, Montco has partnered with West Chester University to facilitate a seamless transfer process for students who have earned or will soon earn an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (AASN) degree.

Qualified students will have the opportunity to be guaranteed admission into the Traditional RN-BSN and MSN program pathways at WCU, provided they meet all WCU criteria. There also is an accelerated pathway designed for AASN students at Montco to enroll in the RN-BSN program at WCU while simultaneously completing their AASN.

Learn more about the RN-BSN Transfer Pathways  

Widener University

Widener University is a private university located in Chester, PA (about 45 minutes from Pottstown and 35 minutes from Blue Bell). Over 3,000 undergraduate students can choose from among 40 undergraduate programs of study on-campus. Popular majors include Engineering, Nursing, Business, Psychology, Biology, Computer Science, and Communication Studies. New programs that were recently developed include Biomedical Engineering, Media Informatics, and Business Informatics.

Highlights from our Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2013 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an associate's degree
  • You can transfer up to a maximum of 64 credits (a grade of C or higher is required)
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits
  • Students are eligible for renewable, merit-based scholarships between $6,500-14,500/year (for full-time students)

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

Wilmington University

Wilmington University is a private, non-profit research institute that provides affordable degree options. Wilmington offers many programs fully online and at multiple locations in Delaware and New Jersey.

Highlights from our revised Dual Admissions agreement signed in 2018 include:

  • Guaranteed admission for any MCCC student who has earned an A.S., A.A., A.F.A., or A.A.S. degree. (possible exceptions can occur when transferring Education courses due to compliance with Delaware state requirements, as well as, for students who change their areas of study)
  • Wilmington University accepts for transfer a maximum of 90 hours towards a bachelor’s degree
  • All of the requirements of the undergraduate general education are waived
  • Application fee is waived
  • A renewable transfer scholarship up to $5000
  • Students need to complete a letter of intent before the completion of 30 college credits

Complete the Dual Admissions Intent Form  

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